Thursday, July 20, 2017

When Do You Need Hair Transplant Procedure In Philadelphia?

Premature baldness in both men and women require medical intervention. Hair transplant in Philadelphia might be one of the available options. However, this is for your surgeon to decide. Before one can get around to the transplant itself, it will be worthwhile to understand the various reasons to go through the process. What is the cause of hair loss and subsequent baldness in men and women? In men you will come across androgenic pattern. The research is still unclear regarding the exact reason for its occurrence.
Still, experts believe that the transmission of the trait occurs via polygenic inheritance. In men, it mostly relates to the traits related to paternal side of family. This type of baldness shows progressive process that will continue for the individual's life time. When the onset occurs at a young age, the eventually hair loss degree will also be more. For hair transplant in Philadelphia, you will have to consult with your doctor. Even in the case of women, hair loss is a genetic problem. Another common reason for losing hair is medical condition. This includes,

•    Telogen effluvium post stress
•    Trichotillomania
•    Hormonal imbalance

Even if a woman suffers from androgenetic alopecia, additional reasons such as inflammatory contribution can add to the problem. Scalp biopsies reveal localized lymphocytic folliculitis. This occurs around stem cells present in the hair follicle bulge region. Before the consideration of hair transplant in Philadelphia, the doctors will do a diagnosis of the underlying reason.

Just like baldness in men, in women too, the androgenic loss tends to be a progressive process. Not all situations will benefit from the transplant process. One needs to understand this first. Alopecia areata refers to hair cycle autoimmune shift present in scalp area. This can be in any portion including the donor area. This involves all of the scalp hair. It does not leave even the donor healthy follicles. Topical therapy and medication might resolve the problem leading to regrowth of hair in many instances. Diffuse alopecia in females also relates to the whole scalp area. As such hair transplant in Philadelphia might not be feasible in such cases.

Androgenetic alopecia is the common reason for the hair loss related to women. The pattern here is quite different with diffuse thinning. It often spares occipital and frontal regions. It is important to understand the occurrence of this disease in woman. This is especially in relation to other alopecia causes. Androgenetic alopecia mostly runs in a family according to the hair transplant experts in Philadelphia. There is increased androgen sensitivity present along with normal levels of serum hormone. This pattern will preserve frontal hairline with miniaturized hair of varying diameter and length. Once the diagnosis is over, it is time to consider the transplant option. To read more Click Here