Monday, May 2, 2016

Does The Best Hair Transplant Surgeonin Philadelphia Make You More Confident?

You may have often wondered what hair transplantation is. It is a permanent solution to provide new hair to cover the thinning areas of your head. After the new hair is implanted, it starts growing naturally. Most cases loss of hair is genetic, but hair loss can occur due to accidents also. In these cases transplantation is performed by the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Philadelphia, who performs the surgery in evasively. These surgeons perform the most intricate operation in the affected hair follicles to produce a miraculous effect of providing natural looking hair in the bald patches of patients. They are artists in their fields. Naming the best in this area is tough. Each surgeon uses the tools and methods they have at their command to the best of his ability.

A good hair transplant surgeon is naturally a good dermatologist as well as a pathologist. Hair transplant is an invasive surgery performed in the skin of the head. Hair transplant by Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Funicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the most advanced techniques used by most of the surgeons in Philadelphia under local anesthesia. Under these methods, the donor and the recipient is one and the same person.  There is a disadvantage, the patient cannot sport a short haircut because post-operative lines are visible.

ARTS or The Robotic Technique

Under the ARTS system robots are applied to pick out each follicle from the donor area and put them in the recipient area without causing any mark. The healing time is also less.The patient is made to sit on a special chair, and the robot performs the task as predetermined by the surgeon.  The time taken is usually3 hours. Practically no post-operative lines are there, and the patient can sport a short hairstyle. The healing time is also less. Even the results are natural.The robotic method will gradually pave the way for a more accurate method of hair transplantation at a lesser cost. Robotic transfers not only help the science of transplantation but the technique is used as an art by the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Philadelphia.

Cosmetic Hair Transplant For women

With the advancement of the art and science of hair transplantation, it is now possible to use this method in cosmetic beauty enhancement of women. Receding hairlines can be corrected; eyebrows can be customized to suit individual tastes and eyelashes can be beautified. Even the face and neck hair undergo aesthetic surgery. These are more commonly done by the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Philadelphia.

Cost of Hair Transplantation

In Strip grafting, the cost is about $3 to $5 per strip.In a case of Funicular Unit Extraction, the cost will be $5 to $12 per graft. . There are approximately 1500 grafts. A person can also opt for a second session to increase the density of his hair. In which case the grafts may vary from 3000 grafts to 6000 grafts. These are very rough estimates but followed by the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Philadelphia. They can help you to groom yourself and make you more confident. Visit Here: Pistone Hair Restoration