Monday, May 6, 2019

How To Take Care of Your Hair After Hair Restoration Surgery In Philadelphia?

After care for people who go under hair transplant surgery is an important subject that they must learn about and follow the post-surgery regime of taking care of their new hair very carefully.

Every patient who has had a surgery for hair transplant in Philadelphia using the strip technique, usually have to leave the doctor’s clinic with bandages around the operated area of the head. The bandages help in supporting the freshly closed donor wounds bon the back of the head. After the surgery the patient is prescribed to take pain killers and anti-inflammatory medicines for the first few days.The patient must remain cautious so as to not rub or scratch the transplanted area, during the first few days after the surgery and must also avoid doing excessive physical workouts.

The second most important thing that every hair transplant patient must keep in mind is to go back to the doctor’s clinic for evaluation on the day after the surgery to check for progress. During the patient’s first visit to the doctor’s clinic post-surgery, the bandages are removed, and the donor wound area is carefully assessed. The next step is to wash the donor and recipient areas with extra care while at the same time giving instructions to the patient on how to wash their hair by themselves in the coming days.After the surgery, it is absolutely essential that the patient washes their hair twice every day with a special technique so as to avoid dislodging any follicular graft. It may be noted that some patients wish to skip washing their hair in order to refrain from damaging the grafts, the answer to which is no!Washing the hair is a key component of hair transplant in Philadelphia after care that guarantees the regular and normal growth of the normal growth of the transplanted hair follicular grafts.

Most of the hair restoration experts in Philadelphia impose a handful of restrictions on the patient’s activities after hair transplant surgeries, while some clinics offer more strict rules to be followed by the patient while doing their regular day to day activities.It is preferred that the patient refrains from doing any activities that causes tension in the donor wound edges. Some of these activities include heavy weight lifting or postures that cause the extreme bending of the neck.

Another thing that any patient that goes under a hair restoration surgery in Philadelphia must keep in mind is to avoid direct exposure of the recipient area for about four to six months. Extreme and direct exposure to the sun may harm the grafts and affect their growth.

Patients who have had surgery for hair restoration in Philadelphia must be seen by their doctors as and when needed, in addition to all of the above-mentioned visits that the patient must pay to the doctor’s clinic for a broad category of other reasons. Plus, a great patient-physician relationship is a crucial factor in the success of hair restorations surgeries. For more information visit Our Website

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