The process of follicular unit extraction added a new dimension to the techniques of hair transplantation. The FUE caused no scarring at the back of the head and it expedited the healing process. It also eliminated the need for general anesthesia in the transplantation process. The surgeons can use local anesthesia to painlessly remove one funicular unit at a time. The transplanted site and the extracted site also heal faster due to this minimally invasive FUE procedure. However, the surgeons were able to extract only a few follicles of hair at one seating. This was the limitation of manual FUE technique. The invention of Neograft process in NJ has removed this limitation. It has expedited the process and has allowed an individual to enjoy the benefits of hair transplantation without compromising routine activities.
Unique Advantages
Rapid Extraction
The FUE technique has already eliminated a need for linear scarring due to an absence of strip harvesting. However, the surgeons have been able to offer more benefits with the Neograft process in NJ. The transplantation specialists use a ‘punch’ during the manual extraction. It is a hollow and cylindrical needle. The manual extraction of a funicular unit is a tedious and exhausting task. A surgeon needs to be extremely careful and accurate to remove a follicle. It was not possible to remove a maximum number of follicles at one session due to this reason.
The NeoGraft is a motorized tool and a surgeon may use it to extract maximum number of funicular units. In Neograft process in NJ, a blunt tipped punch is attached to small motor. This punch slowly rotates around a funicular unit in a cylindrical fashion to facilitate flawless extraction. The motorized rotation does not tire the hands and it expedites the extraction process. A surgeon can extract more funicular units at one seating and rapidly complete the process of transplantation.
Punch Control
In a manual FUE technique, a surgeon can easily control the force of punching depending upon a patient’s skin type and pain sensitivity. The robotic devices usually do not offer this control. The NeoGraftis unlike other robotic surgical devices in this aspect. It allows a surgeon to change the punch’s rotation during Neograft hair transplant in NJ based on a patient’s needs.
Damage-Proof Extraction
The uniform extraction process of NeoGraft ensures every funicular unit remains free of damages. It uses a controlled pneumatic suction to extract follicles, without any twisting or pulling. This smooth extraction method causes no damage to the follicles. Hence, it is possible for a surgeon to harvest maximum number of funicular units out of one session. The contract-angled tool also allows a surgeon to visualize the direction of hair’s growth. This visualization also prevents any damage to the hair-shafts during any Neograft hair transplant in NJ. For more information visit here: Pistone Hair Restoration
Unique Advantages
Rapid Extraction
The FUE technique has already eliminated a need for linear scarring due to an absence of strip harvesting. However, the surgeons have been able to offer more benefits with the Neograft process in NJ. The transplantation specialists use a ‘punch’ during the manual extraction. It is a hollow and cylindrical needle. The manual extraction of a funicular unit is a tedious and exhausting task. A surgeon needs to be extremely careful and accurate to remove a follicle. It was not possible to remove a maximum number of follicles at one session due to this reason.
The NeoGraft is a motorized tool and a surgeon may use it to extract maximum number of funicular units. In Neograft process in NJ, a blunt tipped punch is attached to small motor. This punch slowly rotates around a funicular unit in a cylindrical fashion to facilitate flawless extraction. The motorized rotation does not tire the hands and it expedites the extraction process. A surgeon can extract more funicular units at one seating and rapidly complete the process of transplantation.
Punch Control
In a manual FUE technique, a surgeon can easily control the force of punching depending upon a patient’s skin type and pain sensitivity. The robotic devices usually do not offer this control. The NeoGraftis unlike other robotic surgical devices in this aspect. It allows a surgeon to change the punch’s rotation during Neograft hair transplant in NJ based on a patient’s needs.
Damage-Proof Extraction
The uniform extraction process of NeoGraft ensures every funicular unit remains free of damages. It uses a controlled pneumatic suction to extract follicles, without any twisting or pulling. This smooth extraction method causes no damage to the follicles. Hence, it is possible for a surgeon to harvest maximum number of funicular units out of one session. The contract-angled tool also allows a surgeon to visualize the direction of hair’s growth. This visualization also prevents any damage to the hair-shafts during any Neograft hair transplant in NJ. For more information visit here: Pistone Hair Restoration